Yup, maybe 3 or 4 really nice tattoos at most or a full sleeve if you are commited but just having chicken scratch all over your body permanently is a classic gen z slutty girl trend, all sex workers are sluts, even if they are commited to a single partner. Widespread “depression” making girls take the easy way out and exchanging their pride and modesty for money because they have no self worth, or worse, they put a value on themselves and try to get the most out of it without doing a single days work.
I think tattoos already ruin a nice body but these random idea tatts are the worst just slapped on haphazardly like a child’s drawing board
Yup, maybe 3 or 4 really nice tattoos at most or a full sleeve if you are commited but just having chicken scratch all over your body permanently is a classic gen z slutty girl trend, all sex workers are sluts, even if they are commited to a single partner. Widespread “depression” making girls take the easy way out and exchanging their pride and modesty for money because they have no self worth, or worse, they put a value on themselves and try to get the most out of it without doing a single days work.