Tits arent great areolas are too big. Tits are sagging a bit too much for her age, see how in every photo she is kinda holding them up with her hands at the top of her chest? Her ass is mediocre too. Its more wide and kinda flat as apposed to being round
Who cares at least we don’t have to pay stupid amounts of money to see what she got going on🤣🤣 she’s definitely pretty but paying for porn is just pathetic and screams desperate
THIS is getting 50 million a year 💀
That was bs. She ain’t getting that much.
The power of marketing. She´s on everyone´s instagram feed. Other than that, slightly above average in terms of looks.
Tits arent great areolas are too big. Tits are sagging a bit too much for her age, see how in every photo she is kinda holding them up with her hands at the top of her chest? Her ass is mediocre too. Its more wide and kinda flat as apposed to being round
Not sure what the hype is. She fat and those tits face way to far south
I don’t see how she’s fat but I can understand everything else
Dawg she isn’t fat💀💀
Yes, she is, look at her butt and stomach and compare it to a fit girl who is hitting gym every no and then
Se vc é tão gostosao q q c ta aq batendo punheta, vai comer alguem
Nigga is talking on female body’s while he gets no bitches and is watching porn 😂
Nigga u here commentin don’t make u better, ur here to see the hype and not pay fucking broke ass same as us
You’re fuckin stupid homie. You know damn well you trollin. Sophie Rain is top 8 in the world!! Stop it. She’s everyone’s type dummy.
lol she always trying to lift her tits to face forward and not down
When you see her naked, the spell wears off
bro deadass shut the fuck up she’s bad asf
For niggers like you I guess
Yeah y’all crackers fuck your own sisters, not a good source of judgment
She so fucking bad. Lotta homos in these comments smh
She ain’t allat
She don’t do enough shit to enjoy
She isn’t fat lol just a body shape,saggy titties and big butt.
Imo she got pretty face but very overrated.
I’ve never seen so many niggas in one area tryna prove they different😭 ik ur ass didn’t jus click on the vid to say she ugly
Her face aight but not money worth and body not worth a fuckin sub lmfao I’m here cuz I ain’t paying bitch ass to see what hype is all about
We all clicked to see what all the fuss was about, and now we’re all severely disappointed.
Definitely not worth.
She’s hot but not $60 million hot. Clearly either she’s in a money laundering scheme or OF is paying her to advertise the platform to dumb chicks 🧐🧐
Who cares at least we don’t have to pay stupid amounts of money to see what she got going on🤣🤣 she’s definitely pretty but paying for porn is just pathetic and screams desperate